Hana Kopecka


I am a PhD student in Human-AI/robot interaction, researching users’ preference for AI explanations based on their socio-cultural and cognitive factors with the aim to contribute to designing technologies addressing users’ needs and empowering users. I am passionate about technology, society and human minds and how these topics intersect and interact.


Autumn Fellows' Conference 2023 at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna

I presented my project on explainable robotics at the Conference, which I also had the pleasure of co-organising.

I will be going to Vienna in autumn 2023

I have been awarded the Digital Humanism Junior Visiting Fellowship at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna to research whether the appearance of robots influences people's preference for robot self-explanation.


PhD in Safe and Trusted AI | King's College London | 2019–2024

Thesis: Understandable AI Explanations: Preferences for AI explanations based on socio-cultural and cognitive factors

Supervisors: Prof Jose Such, Dr Mark Cote, Prof Michael Luck

Funding: UK Research and Innovation in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Safe and Trusted Artificial Intelligence

MSc in Big Data and Digital Futures

| University of Warwick | 2018–2019

Thesis: Discovering and Inventing Culture with Word Embeddings

Supervisor: Dr Matt Spencer

Erasmus in Sociology

| University of Warwick | 2017–2018

BA in Sociology and Social Policy

| Charles University in Prague | 2015–2018

Thesis: Cultural Omnivorousness among Charles University students

Supervisor: Mgr. et Mgr. Ondřej Špaček, PhD


Teaching assistant

Simulaton and Data Visualization | 2019–2023

Human-Computer Interaction | 2019–2023

Telling Stories with Data | 2020–2023

Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering | 2022


The Safe and Trustworthy AI Workshop at The 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023)

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion

Women in Science @Informatics | organising committee member | 2020–present

Diversity & Inclusion Representative for STAI CDT | 2023–present


Kopecka, H., Such, J. & Luck, M. (2022). Preferences for AI explanations based on cognitive style and socio- cultural factors. Poster presented at:

Kopecká, H. (2021). Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Human-centered Perspective. Poster presented at WomENcourage.

Kopecka, H., & Such, J. (2020). Explainable AI for Cultural Minds. In European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation for Human-Agent Interaction.




I am currenlty based in London and always happy to meet to talk about research.